Convert Hectare to Square Meter
Convert between Hectare and Square Meter. Easy area unit conversion with our free online calculator.
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About Hectareha
A hectare is a metric unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters or 0.01 square kilometers.
The hectare was introduced in 1795 as part of the metric system and is widely used in agriculture and land management.
A hectare is roughly the size of a European football (soccer) field. It was designed to be a practical unit for measuring farm land.
About Square Meterm²
The square meter is the SI derived unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one meter.
The square meter was established as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
A typical one-bedroom apartment is around 50 square meters. The area of a tennis court is about 260 square meters.
About This Conversion
About Hectare
A hectare is a metric unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters or 0.01 square kilometers.
The hectare was introduced in 1795 as part of the metric system and is widely used in agriculture and land management.
Did You Know?
A hectare is roughly the size of a European football (soccer) field. It was designed to be a practical unit for measuring farm land.
About Square Meter
The square meter is the SI derived unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one meter.
The square meter was established as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
Did You Know?
A typical one-bedroom apartment is around 50 square meters. The area of a tennis court is about 260 square meters.
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