Convert Square Centimeter to Square Yard

Convert between Square Centimeter and Square Yard. Easy area unit conversion with our free online calculator.

Square Meter
Square Kilometer
Square Centimeter
Square Millimeter
Square Foot
Square Inch
Square Yard
Square Mile
Square Meter
Square Kilometer
Square Centimeter
Square Millimeter
Square Foot
Square Inch
Square Yard
Square Mile

Conversion Information

Conversion Formula

Multiply square centimeters by 0.000119599 to get square yards

Calculation Steps

1. 100 Square Centimeter → 0.01 Square Yard
Formula: 100 * 0.000119599

About Square Centimetercm²

A square centimeter is an area equal to a square with sides of one centimeter.

The square centimeter is commonly used in science and medicine for measuring small areas.

A postage stamp is approximately 4 square centimeters in area.

About Square Yardyd²

A square yard is an imperial and US customary unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one yard.

The square yard was historically used for measuring fabric and carpeting.

Carpeting and artificial turf are often sold by the square yard in the United States.

Number Format:

About This Conversion

About Square Centimeter

A square centimeter is an area equal to a square with sides of one centimeter.


The square centimeter is commonly used in science and medicine for measuring small areas.

Did You Know?

A postage stamp is approximately 4 square centimeters in area.

About Square Yard

A square yard is an imperial and US customary unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one yard.


The square yard was historically used for measuring fabric and carpeting.

Did You Know?

Carpeting and artificial turf are often sold by the square yard in the United States.

Conversion Information

Conversion Information


Multiply square centimeters by 0.000119599 to get square yards

value * 0.000119599

Calculation Steps:

1. Square Centimeter this conversion uses specific formulas based on the units involved: Square Yard

Formula: 1 * 0.000119599

Explanation: Multiply square centimeters by 0.000119599 to get square yards

Result: 1 cm² = 0.0001196 yd²

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