Convert Square Meter to Square Kilometer

Convert between Square Meter and Square Kilometer. Easy area unit conversion with our free online calculator.

Square Meter
Square Kilometer
Square Centimeter
Square Millimeter
Square Foot
Square Inch
Square Yard
Square Mile
Square Meter
Square Kilometer
Square Centimeter
Square Millimeter
Square Foot
Square Inch
Square Yard
Square Mile

Conversion Information

Conversion Formula

Divide square meters by 1,000,000 to get square kilometers

Calculation Steps

1. 100 Square Meter → 0.0001000 Square Kilometer
Formula: 100 / 1000000

About Square Meter

The square meter is the SI derived unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one meter.

The square meter was established as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.

A typical one-bedroom apartment is around 50 square meters. The area of a tennis court is about 260 square meters.

About Square Kilometerkm²

A square kilometer is an area equal to a square with sides of one kilometer, or one million square meters.

The square kilometer became important for measuring large land areas and territories as the metric system spread globally.

Vatican City, the world's smallest country, has an area of just 0.44 square kilometers.

Number Format:

About This Conversion

About Square Meter

The square meter is the SI derived unit of area, equal to the area of a square with sides of one meter.


The square meter was established as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.

Did You Know?

A typical one-bedroom apartment is around 50 square meters. The area of a tennis court is about 260 square meters.

About Square Kilometer

A square kilometer is an area equal to a square with sides of one kilometer, or one million square meters.


The square kilometer became important for measuring large land areas and territories as the metric system spread globally.

Did You Know?

Vatican City, the world's smallest country, has an area of just 0.44 square kilometers.

Conversion Information

Conversion Information


Divide square meters by 1,000,000 to get square kilometers

value / 1000000

Calculation Steps:

1. Square Meter this conversion uses specific formulas based on the units involved: Square Kilometer

Formula: 1 / 1000000

Explanation: Divide square meters by 1,000,000 to get square kilometers

Result: 1 m² = 0.000001000 km²

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