Convert Millimeter to Mile
Convert between Millimeter and Mile. Easy length unit conversion with our free online calculator.
Conversion Information
Conversion Formula
Calculation Steps
About Millimetermm
A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter (10^-3 meters)
The millimeter was introduced in France as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
The thickness of a typical credit card is about 0.76 millimeters. A dime is approximately 1.35 millimeters thick. Rainfall measurements are commonly reported in millimeters in most countries outside the United States.
About Milemi
A mile is 5,280 feet, 1,760 yards, or exactly 1.609344 kilometers
The mile originated from the Roman "mille passus" or "thousand paces," which was about 1,480 meters. The current definition of 5,280 feet was standardized during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in 1593.
The seemingly odd length of the mile (5,280 feet) was established in 1593 by an act of Parliament in England, in part to reconcile the traditional English mile with the furlong (an old unit used in farming). One furlong was 660 feet, and a mile was defined as 8 furlongs, resulting in 5,280 feet.
About This Conversion
About Millimeter
A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter (10^-3 meters)
The millimeter was introduced in France as part of the metric system during the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
Did You Know?
The thickness of a typical credit card is about 0.76 millimeters. A dime is approximately 1.35 millimeters thick. Rainfall measurements are commonly reported in millimeters in most countries outside the United States.
About Mile
A mile is 5,280 feet, 1,760 yards, or exactly 1.609344 kilometers
The mile originated from the Roman "mille passus" or "thousand paces," which was about 1,480 meters. The current definition of 5,280 feet was standardized during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in 1593.
Did You Know?
The seemingly odd length of the mile (5,280 feet) was established in 1593 by an act of Parliament in England, in part to reconcile the traditional English mile with the furlong (an old unit used in farming). One furlong was 660 feet, and a mile was defined as 8 furlongs, resulting in 5,280 feet.
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Conversion Information
Conversion Information
No direct conversion is available between these units.
Error: No conversion found from millimeter to mile in category length
Calculation Steps:
Error: No conversion found from millimeter to mile in category length
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